Below are testimonials from Chaplaincy Training Academy students.
“Working with Dr. Bohlman was a highly effective way to learn many of the attributes I will need as a chaplain. I enjoyed the overview of the various places chaplains can serve, and the texts chosen to accompany the course which I still reference in my current position as a hospital chaplain. I would recommend this self-paced, online course to anyone considering chaplaincy in all of its many facets as a career.” ~Danielle (Georgia) CTA 5100 Foundations of Chaplaincy student
“When I was exploring various programs to help ground me in the foundations of chaplaincy, the introductory program offered by the Chaplain Training Academy, CTA 5100, was the perfect place for me to start. The curriculum was wonderfully sequenced, thought provoking, and inspiring. In addition to excellent readings and online resources, the attention I received for my written work was extremely helpful; the personalized feedback on my evolving theological understanding of chaplaincy really helped me on a pathway of deeper discernment. I now have a clear sense of how I will put the gifts God has given me into action. I urge anyone looking for solid theological and practical grounding to engage with Chaplain Training Academy.” ~Kevin (Maryland) CTA 5100 Foundations of Chaplaincy student
“I am a full-time leader in business with an intention to move into volunteer chaplaincy when I retire. Several years ago, I was looking for an online chaplaincy training resource and I came across, ‘The Chaplain Training Academy.’ I sent an online inquiry to which Dr. Brian Bohlman promptly replied. Since that time, I have had the blessed opportunity to complete courses with Dr. Bohlman and Dr. Christopher Bassett. Not only was the training curriculum exceptional for both, but the “one-to-one” coaching, support, and mentorship were consistent and of incredible value. The concepts and feedback have helped me in my current lay ministry to include weekly volunteer suicide intervention crisis call hotline work. I plan on taking more CTA courses in the future.”
~Greg (Oregon) CTA 5100 Foundations of Chaplaincy and CTA 5700 Suicide Intervention student
“My experience with the Chaplaincy Training Academy has opened my eyes to the calling and purpose that GOD has for my life. I enjoyed working on the assignments and digging deeper into the meaning of chaplaincy. Let me tell you, reading and applying the scenarios and case studies and learning about the sample Clinical Pastoral Education Verbatims has really helped me to place myself as a chaplain as I worked through the various scenarios that I would encounter as an actual chaplain. The assignments shaped my perspective of what a chaplain does each day in this field. The readings and online assignments helped me understand what my role and function would be as a chaplain. Also, my professor encouraged me to continue on in this course when I seriously had many other things outside of my school course work that came up. I would highly recommend the Chaplain Training Academy to anyone who desires to grow in their walk and service for GOD.”
~Alphie (North Carolina) CTA 5100 Foundations of Chaplaincy student